New Jersey

Vintner Wonderland at Renault Winery

Austyn Kunde
Hits: 1225

EGG HARBOR, NJ - The Vintner Wonderland at Renault Winery is a great to spend the holidays. It has everything from a 60-foot ice skating rink to a shopping village and live entertainment.

Vintner Wonderland at Renault Winery

And because it's the holiday season, it also has plenty of wine to drink!

Here are some tips for your visit:

If you're interested in a family outing, it's the perfect time to check out Vintner Wonderland at Renault Winery. The event features an ice-skating rink by Flight on Ice, a lit Christmas tree, and plenty of activities for the kids. There's also a holiday marketplace with local artisans, full-service outdoor dining, and live music.

The winery has a variety of fun activities for families. There are free performances, carriage rides, and live entertainment. You can even purchase a bottle of wine and get a free tasting! Try a sample of the winery's various wines and sparkling hard cider while enjoying the winter wonderland experience.

If you're planning a trip to the area, don't forget to make reservations for Vintner Wonderland at Renault Winery. The event is a great family outing with free parking and no entry fees. It is sure to be the highlight of your holiday.